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(Day 1) Join me for 30 DAYS OF GREEN HOPE

Day 1 of 30 DAYS OF GREEN HOPE series

Because sometimes you need to not do it alone. Join me for 30 Days of Green HOPE!

On August 16th, it will be 15 years since our daughter Leisha ran off to heaven. I have been ‘celedreading’ this year for 15 years. The anniversary that marks that she had lived as long as she has been gone.

From past experience, I know that anniversaries and birthdays can throw a grieving momma for a loop. I can go into the depths of the grief tunnel all over again if I’m not careful. Now I know that I will always be a greiving momma! I can’t NOT be a grieving momma just because she was my baby and I will always feel the loss of her different than anyone else in my life. It doesn’t make my loss more or ‘righter’ -
it is just my own.

This year, I really want…