A Modern Day Psalm

You have heard the words “unprecedented’”, “uncertain” and pandemic more times than you care to count at this point. The signs of the times have been stirring up so many emotions within you, and you find yourself reacting to people and circumstances with an edge to say the least. Someone asks you how you are, you say I’m Fine!

But are you? Really?

When I find myself swirling with emotions about what is going on around me, and feeling unable to control what is going on in me, I go to the Psalms. Over and over I read words that resonate to the core of my being. The psalmists use phrases that I would use - many of them filled with fear and angst over the circumstances they find themselves in. Some are so filled with anger that they rail against their enemies and ask God to strike them down. At other times the psalmists wrestle with God himself, with fists high and voices raised.

I read - and I watch as the psalmists put it all out there - every ugly, messy, raw thought and emotion they have within them. They approach God with no masks. They leave nothing unsaid. Unashamedly keeping no tear un-cried.

And then…more often than not, at the end of the battle they slump, exhausted, spent from the effort.

and in that moment…

tears still wet on their cheeks,

they catch their breath,

look up

into the face of God himself.

And everything changes.

Oh not the circumstances, often not the pain or the agony.

But they change.

How they see all that surrounds them.

How they respond to the people and the events taking place.

When they SEE GOD, everything changes.

Asaph was such a psalmist, worship leader, choir director. That is a profession I love and enjoyed for many years myself.

Psalm 77 is a favorite psalm because time and again, these are the words the Lord has used to help me express my own anguish and process my grief.

I choose to read scripture in a variety of translations, to challenge my mind and my heart to absorb the truth that is there in a new way. Right now I am meditating on THE PASSION TRANSLATION.
Check it out here.

But today…I used Psalm 77 as a guide for writing my own Psalm. I encourage you to choose a Psalm as a pattern to write one for yourself. I’ll share mine here. I’d love for you to leave even a small portion of yours in the comments. Let’s encourage one another.

Oh God, these days are so filled with uncertainty and fear.
People yelling at their neighbors in anger,
Families and friends distancing themselves out of fear.

modern day psalm.png

I think I am doing fine -
in my own little world,
with my own issues to deal with.
Until I’m the one yelling -
or staying away from-
or hiding under my covers
trying to stay safe.

I’m so tired of this place
that should be peaceful
but instead is stuck.

I cry out to you God for help.
In my distress, I seek you.
My heart is squeezed
so tight, Lord
and there is a knot
in my throat that
chokes out my voice,

I can't cry,

I can't sleep.

Lord, I know that you are the blessed controller of all things
but this does not feel like control that God should have.
This feels messy, ugly and raw.
How can this be part of your plan for me- for our world.
It feels so wrong.
Why aren’t you doing something about this?
Why are people in so much pain?
Why am I in so much pain?

I have so many questions and You are giving so few answers.
The world is in a mess.
My world is a mess.

Then I hear your whisper
Be Still my child
Close your physical eyes so you can see Me with the eyes of your heart.
I am with you
I will never leave you
I am at work
in you
in your home
with the woman you care about
with the church you love
with the world you see

I close my physical eyes, I open the eyes of my heart.
I sense His presence.
I look up
and I SEE God

O God, you are the One and Only
the Great I Am
Light and Life
Love and Peace

You are the ONE that sees all that is going on
Grieves for the real stories in the hearts of men and women
Knows the whole story of how this all fits together in Your story
who loves all of us as we deal with the chaos and the noise.

You are the ONE I turn to!
the only ONE that is worthy of all praise and power and glory.

I can’t trust the news or the opinions of others.

I can’t know the answers to all this unprecedented time

—- but I know YOU!

And you are making a pathway for me
and for those I love
and those you love

to take our next step toward you.

It may stay ugly and messy and noisy, but…

You will handle the rest.

I trust You, Lord

So…what does your modern day psalm sound like? Please share it below- or email it to kathy@kathyburrus.com. Let’s encourage one another with our words.

Looking for a safe place to share your heart and be encouraged by others in these days? Check out the upcoming masterclass where I will be asking the questions to help us process the thoughts and emotions that keep us stuck. You can find out more here.