Revealing Remarkable Truth about Your Life

How often do you step back and ask yourself, "How am I doing at living the life I want to live?"

As I pondered my answer to this question this month, I thought about you.  While we can't plan some of these occasions, we can learn from moments like them in powerful ways.  This month I had some significant events that caused me to ponder my story.  

Want to learn something about yourself- something really remarkable?

1. Go to a …

The Powerful Gift of a Remarkable Legacy

The past few weeks, my mind has had a plethora of emotions whirling around a myriad of thoughts in such a way that I found myself at a stopping point.  Not stuck, but not moving forward either. I have needed to ponder what it takes to leave a remarkable legacy.

My emotions have had a lot to do with time I spent with my Dad and Mom after Dad suffered a mild/ perhaps series of mild heart attacks.  I watched as he wrestled with life...

Do You Own What is Remarkable About You?

I have been pondering two conversations I have recently had with some remarkable women, I am struck by their answers to my question, "What have you learned about yourself that is remarkable?"

One woman said, "I'm just a sinner saved by grace.  God has done all the work. He is the  remarkable one."

The other one said, "I have learned that I am able to do the hard work others are not willing to do. I didn't realize that was remarkable until I saw how it changed my life and helped others around me. I think that is remarkable."

Which answer is remarkable?...

Sometimes Being Remarkable Gets Down Right Messy!

I recently spent some time with my parents and my oldest 'little' brother and his wife. I am the oldest of 5 kids, and Steve is just 3 years younger than I am but a whole head taller.  It is rare that it is just us at home with Mom and Dad.  Steve and Eileen had planned to be there in the middle of February. I had flown home when Dad had a heart attack that week also. 

I spent most of my time researching info, listening in to visits with the home health nurses and physical therapists, initiating the sometimes hard conversations that go along with these kinds of events in the life of your parents.  

But Steve and Eileen came with a plan to 'work'. 

Lessons of Remarkable Abundance from Time with My Dad

I've been pondering the irony  
of my study of remarkable life, 
Abundant life
Man fully alive 

As i feel that i am coming alive again
After walking through grief 

As i now walk with my parents  
Through struggle to live
after Dad's heart attack

And breathe 

And eat & drink  

And walk 

It's like being born again
In a new way
All over again 

Is this the end  

Or a beginning ...

Do you have a 'scary' woman in your life?

I have a confession to make.

I almost didn't share it with you, but I don't think I'm the only one who struggles with this. So please tell me you know what I'm talking about. 

This past week, I was challenged to approach five 'scary' women in my world to let them know about some of the opportunities I have for them at the new

Now, by 'scary',  I don't mean they are dark or ominous; or that they make me afraid.  Well, ok, maybe they have made me a little afraid.  But it is not because they tried to frighten me. 

Rather it is because they are...

Pieces and Parts Plus Accountability

Remember that feeling of having lots of thoughts floating around in your head, pieces and parts of projects just hanging out there, yet you can't figure out how to put it all together?  

Yea, me too! 

In fact, the last 6 months or so, I have felt like every thing I touched was only partially done.  It seemed that there was always something missing; like when you finish the whole puzzle and realize there is one piece that has dropped to the floor, or is lost completely. 

So I placed myself in accountability...